Port Specifications

Purpose-built, two-berth cruise ship pier. No restrictions on length. 36 feet / 11 meters (MLW) depth alongside East Berth, 39 feet/ 12 meters (MLW) depth along side West Berth (Pilot compulsory). The pier is comprised of reinforced concrete and steel pile construction, formed by a main berthing span of 933.5 feet long with a dog-legged shore span of 958.2 feet. The pier is 40 feet wide and top of deck is 9.5 feet above MLW. The main berthing pier is 578.7 feet of workable surface for gangways and passenger access, and a continuation of three linked mooring dolphins of a further 405.8 feet — one every 111 to 124 feet. There are 100-ton mooring bollards on each side of the pier at 80 feet intervals with the outer end of the main pier having an extra set at 40 feet intervals. Fendering is of the flat-sided and cone-type designed to sit flush with the ship’s side.

Navigating the Port

Cozumel has a Control Tower Marine Traffic operated by Harbor Master with a VHF Radio on Channel 16.  The approach is an extremely simple one. The ships should approach on a heading of approximately 177° T, which is the alignment of the pier. The ship will be in deep water (200+ feet) until approaching the outer dolphin when the drop-off is crossed and the depth of water decreases immediately to 65 feet gradually reducing to 36 feet MLW, the controlling depth alongside the length of the pier. The maneuvering area off each berth is approximately 500 parallel to the pier on the east side and over 1000 feet on the west side of the pier.
Maximum Air Draught: No Restriction
Port Movement during Dark Hours: Yes
Salinity (Average): 1025 PPM
VHF channels for Port Authorities: Channel 16
VHF channels for VTS: Channel 16

Other Port Information

Reservations more than 45 days in advance of a proposed call must be made through Carnival Corporation Port Development. Contact: Raquel Mota, RMota@carnival.com

Reservations or changes in a confirmed reservation within 45 days of a proposed call can be booked directly with the agent with a copy to Puerta Maya administration and Raquel Mota. See contact info below.

Agents Info:
·        1. Port Agency: ACONSUR, S.A. DE C.V.
·         Contacts: Juan José Cortés or David Estrella
·         E-Mail: jcortes@aconsur.com  and destrella@aconsur.com
·         Phone: 52-987-872-3779 or 52-987-872-4443
·         Cell phone: 52-1-987-871-1136
·         Radio: VHF Channel 16 and 14
·         2. Port Agency: TMM, S.A. DE C.V.
·         Contact: Israel Suarez Flores
·         E-Mail: israel.suarez@ssamexico.com
·         Phone: 52-987-872-5818
·         Cell Phone: 52-1-987-564-2941
·         Radio: VHF Channel 16 and 14
·         Time Zone: - 5 GMT

·         Tidal Variation:
·         The Tidal Variation in Cozumel is 2ft

·         Position of Pilot Station: 1.5NM from the pier
·         VHF Channel for Pilot:  VHF 14
·         Pilot Contact: Captain Miguel Angel Martinez Vargas
·         Phone:52-987-872-14 24
·         E-Mail: snpp04@prodigy.net.mx
·         Required Speed for Pilot Pick-Up: 5 – 6 KN.
·         Required Height Above Water For Pilot Boarding Ladder: 2 – 3M

·         No TUGS available in Cozumel.

·         One dock with two docking positions (Latitude - Longitude): 20' 28’ 42.1”N - 86' 58’ 39.4”W
·         Without restriction berthing length
·         Depth Alongside: South 40ft (12M); North: 80ft (24M)
·         Height of Piers Above Water: + 3.0M MLLW
·         Fenders: Cone fenders with a UHMW-padded steel frontal frame.
·         Gangway: No shore gangway available
·         Forklift: Not available
·         Tendering: THERE IS NO TENDERING OPTION.
·         Potable Water: AVAILABLE
·         Heavy Fuel Bunkering: NOT AVAILABLE
Berth Assignments:
Once reservations are made, Carnival Corporation Port Development assigns the docking position.